Friday, February 11, 2011


I think attitude sometimes plays an important role in our success. I have been in this world for a long time and I have learnt that ones sucess is dependant on your attitude because sometimes we look around us,sometimes without realising that and ended up having an attitude about people. The things we experienced in life , stories we heard and read about of all these thing makes us to shoot at anyone we come into contact with in this world .

When I was still young I used to think that I am the only person who has problem , only to realise when I attended a course in diversity management, that there are people who have bigger things tell compared to what you have and  you will be shocked to hear and realise that your problems are a minor to theirs. The mistake we that we make is to associate people with our experiences , or stories that we learnt about and that is what leads to developing an attitude.Do you know sometimes bucause of your attitude you can chased away a person who might one day take your life a higher level, due to our attitude we end up loosing a golden opportunity.This life is made up of people who made it a point they network themselves  and to succeed is to follow what public relations is all about of building relationships


  1. Fully agree - life is all about attitude and how one relates to ohers. To get ahead in life, a strong, possitive attitude is essential.

  2. Your attitude can definitely create opportunities. In your work life and your personal life.
