Saturday, July 30, 2011

Judge Presidents Ngcobos term of office has been extended by the President SA

The Constitutional Court today ruled against the South African President's decision to extend Chief  Justice Ngcobos term of office as Judge President of the Constitutional Court as he will be retiring next year.The reason for the extension  of the term of office by the President is derived from the condition of service of the judges where a certain section give powers to the President of the Republic of South Africa to extent the term of office of a Judge President of the Constitutional Court where he deemed it necessary to do. The extension of the term of office was contested by number of organisations in the legal fraternity as well as political parties who were of the opinion that the President 's actions were unconstitutional.The President did not act improper , due to the fact that the conditions of service gave him such powers to do so and one wonders how those conditions of service of judges were approved by Parliament where it can be realised in 2011 that they were unconstitutional.This means that we are sitting with state attorneys who are paid high salaries but not doing their work in ensuring state laws and policies are in compliance with the Constitution as a supreme law of the country.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Comrades and Greed

I think South African must all be awaken by the recent developments where people use their seats for greed, this started with the arms deal , the reecently 16milliom house in Sandton.people are  sick and tired about people who hide behind comradeship , pretending to care about the poor people in this country while using their positions to accumulate wealth.All the incident that have been mentioned above proved that the system of government that we have in our 17 years of democracy is very weak and we all South African and the government we need to open up a debated as to how issue of this nature are going to be dealt with by the nation.Incidents that have occured in this country since 1994 leave much to be desired. Just think for example if somebody can build a 16milllion house while there is people who sleep in the street, there is people who sleep without food , that is smack in the face of poor (working families )of this country.Something must be done by government and one wonders what is the international world is going to say in relation to the new revealations by the media.

The world and Democracy

I always wonder why for example the world embrace democracy while at the sametime the system is so weak that politicians do whatever it pleases them. Democracy for me is the biggest form of dictatorship.Look at how it open opportunities for corruption , and other forms of pocketing taxpayers.In countries where dictators rule its very rare to get people who work for governmnt stealing public funds becuase they know that they will be punished dear by the dictators and even when they get into prison , they are not going to rest , coprporal punishement will applied harshly with them.If democracy is about making the life of politicians luxurious at the expense of those who pay taxes , for me I rather be ruled by a dictators, some body who wont take nonsesnese and for those who find themselves at the wrong side of the law , harsh punishment must be imposed on them for their actions

Corporal Punishment

I have seen recently on Television a teacher who punished a child for stealing , that has declared war with that child and I wondered whether he would the samething if it was his own child , he was killing her. The poor child had stolen something , all children are naught by the way and when I looked at the age group of the teacher , he was a matured man. He should have beeen  aware at that age that children do stupid things , and one must not declared war with them instead one must just guide them becuase if they are to practice that  in thieir life , they may one day end up in jail.The behaviour of that teacher also reminded me about a documentary that I one day saw on TV which stated that there is a lot of people who entered jail for minor crimes, such as  stealing a loaf of bread .The system in jail is not about behavioural change in the form teaching inmates , it is  about corporal punishment which instead did not change their behoiur instead it groomed  young people to be the biggest jail birds and what was demostrated by that teachers was just grooming that child to be a criminal. The punishement that must be given to him is that, he must never practice his profession as a teachers, criminal charges by the parents must be laid against him.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Abuse of power

Those who are in position of authority can abuse the power that is vested on them.You know one can not understand how goog  are they in creating a story against those they see as their rivals.I have seen this so many times in my forty years of age .The only thing that I question is why the people can not be able to understand that conspiracies are what characterised our human existances.People are doing it knowing fully well that it is  are unethical .If one want to know a good person when it comes to conspiaracies  and abuse of authority one must go our neighbour  in Zimbabwe , there they shout up the mouth of their enemies in the form of conspiracy and one end up in jail, media freedom being suppress and the country becomes a one party state.The power in which his people have vested on him in running the country , it is being used against them.He is busy preparing for new elections and he still continue to abuse his people , what is the world doing about it nothing while the people of Zimbabwe are suffering and some instances they find themselves to be the victims of Xenophobic attacks in South Africa.