Monday, July 25, 2011

The world and Democracy

I always wonder why for example the world embrace democracy while at the sametime the system is so weak that politicians do whatever it pleases them. Democracy for me is the biggest form of dictatorship.Look at how it open opportunities for corruption , and other forms of pocketing taxpayers.In countries where dictators rule its very rare to get people who work for governmnt stealing public funds becuase they know that they will be punished dear by the dictators and even when they get into prison , they are not going to rest , coprporal punishement will applied harshly with them.If democracy is about making the life of politicians luxurious at the expense of those who pay taxes , for me I rather be ruled by a dictators, some body who wont take nonsesnese and for those who find themselves at the wrong side of the law , harsh punishment must be imposed on them for their actions

1 comment:

  1. Interesting argument. We don't need a dictatorship to keep corruption in check. Those voted into the democratic SA goverment should pull up their socks and do what they are so handsomely paid to do.
