Sunday, November 6, 2011

A skill set called leadership

I have been in the block for quite some time , and I have been trying to establish as to entails a skill set called leadershiop.I have look at it from an academic perspective , the answers that I get seemed to be very vague , they don’t explicitly explain what is leadership. I guess it what a human being can stand based on pressures of life , whether it for the nation or for individual gains. I believe everyone is a leader in their own right because they lead somewhere, whether it’s at home, work, community etc. Leadership encompasses a number of things such as discipline, ethic, tenacity, qualifications etc. What most people don’t understand is when one is in leadership position and what it entails, such ethics .Although leaders are also ordinary people there is a big difference between an ordinary person and those who are in positions of leadership and public interest and ethics are the most critical element / aspect of a skill set called leadership.Those who sacrifice for the people so that there is development and empowerment and not themselves for me they  have a set of skill called leadership , Like the South Africa former President Mandela

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Protest in Lenesia South of Gauteng

There is a possibility that what we see in the Arab might happen in South Africa. Moketsi Mbeki said in one of his writing that by year 2020, uprising in South Africa will be the order of the day. The recent incidents that have happened in Gauteng regarding the burning the burning of Councilors housed is an indication of what we should expect in years to come. What irritates people more is the corruption that is taking place in government , people are on waiting list for long time time some still today have no water, and electricity and they have already given up in as far as getting houses.The crime rate is very high, people live their lives in fear and government does not seemed to be prepared to address these problems.The reluctancy of Mbeki's government during his term as a president in addressing the question of HIV/AIDS has also ruined the governments reputation.What they need to do is to move with speed in addressing these problems otherwise by 2020, the ANC government is going to be voted out or a revolution just like in the Arab world is going to happen her in SA

Social Responsibility Programme

I was thinking last night in class as my lecturer was lecturing us in the topic of a Social Responsibility Programme whether all business people in our country  understand the concept of CSR.I also asked myself a question as to whether it will be wise for government to make it law that all companies listed in the Johannesburg Stock Exchange to put aside in their annual budget a certain amount or a certain percentage for the development of our communities.In some other countries it is compulsory that companies should have a Social Responsibility Programme.These countries are so successful such that , the literacy rate , poverty and other forms of social disadvantages are not that high as compared to our country.If it can be made compulsory that every company pays such an amount , government will have to take the lead in ensuring that , they commit themselves to it

Steve Bantu Biko one of the forgoton heros of our struggle

Steve Bantu Biko died on September 12, 1977 after he was tortured by the then Special branch of the apartheid  security forces.Biko was one of the most intelligent leaders that South Africa has ever produce.He studied at the University of Durban Westeville.Biko was the founder of the then Black conscious Movement which a student organization which represent student at all Tertiary Institutions in South Africa. Biko became a threat to the apartheid regime to such an extent that he was arrested several time and one point he was given a house arrest which meant that he couldn't go anywhere without the approval of the police.The biggest question that we need to ask ourselves as South African is whether we still living to what Biko died for or its just moral decay in our society.The corruption , teenage pregnancy, women and children abuse are not what Bantu fought and died for.The Civil Society must stand up against these social ills and not leave everything with government , community members must take it  upon themselves to ensure that people of South Africa leave in peace and harmony.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Nepotism is a situation where jobs or any other benefits in the Private and the Public Sector only benefits the families of those who are already employed in those sectors.  This means that even if a person is not in possession of the requirements of a particular position, such an individual will get the job.  These include qualifications, experience, etc.  What is so saddening is the impact that nepotism has in our economy, industrial development as well as those families that do not have people working in these sectors.  How do we then ensure that nepotism is eradicated at all costs in these sectors?  Do we need a law to deal with it, so that those who are found practising it will have to be dealt with or should we make these conglumarates belong to certain families, meaning we are brewing a certain elite of families to benefit from these companies.  What will be the impact of this in our country?  What will be the attitude of the public towards these sectors?  This will have a negative impact in these sectors as it is already the case when it comes to our National Parliament where one wonders as to who are the people/families entitled to work in Parliament of South Africa.


Change is adapting to an environment which sometimes favours or do not favour your expectations.  Tt is one of the most difficult things that people are willing to accept sometimes, depending on circumstances. Change poses challenges.  Sometimes such challenges are for good, sometimes they disadvantage us.  We are living in a changing world.  Things or conditions do change.  Some people break or prosper as a result of change. What makes people to resist change is the fear of the unknown.  The changes we had in South Africa in 1994 have made people sceptical as to what the future holds.  Some were of the opinion that we were not going to succede as a Nation in building a prosperous South Africa, but we proved them wrong.  If you believe in changing the world with its social ills, make a change to happen today

Monday, August 8, 2011

The scarce skill called leadership

When you ask people even academicians as to what is the definition of Leadership or Leader, you will notice that they do not give a precise definition of a good leader or leadership.You will find some people saying that in the South African context Nelson Mandela was a good leader or he had good leadership skills.For me a good leader or leadership skills entails taking decisions and such decisions sometime are not going to be favoured by certain people or one becomes unpopular for their actions.For example for me one of the people that I admired in taking decision was PW Botha, "the crocodile" although some of the decision he used to take were wrong he stood by what he believed. during the The Truth and Reconciliation(TRC) in South Africa after 1994 democratic elections , he was called to testify there about the atrocities that happened during his time as President of the Republic of South Africa and he said the TRC was a circuit and he did not have time for circuits.When interviewed by the media he said that he never regretted what he did and if he can get time even at the time of the new dispensation he would do it again. For me that is good leadership

How hard is it to follow instruction

To follow instructions is one of the most difficult thing to do in life.In some instances people do not follow instrcutions deliberately, may be in defyance to a certain system which they opposes.Spme time they did not comprehend what was said as per the instruction , but when asked whether they understood the instruction , they will answer yes. An example is that of a group of people sitting on one room then you ask them to whisper to a person next to him or he these words"How hard is it to follow instructions "up untill the last person in the room.You will find that the whole instruction has been twisted/distorted when you ask the last person.So whether it is the a workplace or at home especially those who are in management positions whether people have been trained to do their work or how experience they are , ensure that they are reminded at all times about the work instruction otherwise face the consequences of what can be the biggest catastrophy/disaster at your home or work environment

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Freedom and Corruption in SA

You know when I was still young and taught what the struggle for liberation and what values our forefathers had , it realy makes one feel betrayed by those who are the leaders in South Africa. There is number of people who sacrifice their lives in the struggle for liberation and untill today their families still live in poverty.Some of them were burried in foreign countries.The struggle for liberation in this country was not fought by black people only , all people of races black and white ousted the apartheid government.When one look at the attitude of the present leaders which more of feeding themselves other than to make living conditions of our people better, one begin to think about ANIMAL FARM.What is happening in South Africa has been said by Goerge Orwell in that book.South Africa politicians must watch the uprising in the Arab World, that is also going to happen here , becuase we are not going to rest , watch corrupt leaders feeding themselves while our people sleep without food.We are going to expose those who think they are untoucheable

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Judge Presidents Ngcobos term of office has been extended by the President SA

The Constitutional Court today ruled against the South African President's decision to extend Chief  Justice Ngcobos term of office as Judge President of the Constitutional Court as he will be retiring next year.The reason for the extension  of the term of office by the President is derived from the condition of service of the judges where a certain section give powers to the President of the Republic of South Africa to extent the term of office of a Judge President of the Constitutional Court where he deemed it necessary to do. The extension of the term of office was contested by number of organisations in the legal fraternity as well as political parties who were of the opinion that the President 's actions were unconstitutional.The President did not act improper , due to the fact that the conditions of service gave him such powers to do so and one wonders how those conditions of service of judges were approved by Parliament where it can be realised in 2011 that they were unconstitutional.This means that we are sitting with state attorneys who are paid high salaries but not doing their work in ensuring state laws and policies are in compliance with the Constitution as a supreme law of the country.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Comrades and Greed

I think South African must all be awaken by the recent developments where people use their seats for greed, this started with the arms deal , the reecently 16milliom house in Sandton.people are  sick and tired about people who hide behind comradeship , pretending to care about the poor people in this country while using their positions to accumulate wealth.All the incident that have been mentioned above proved that the system of government that we have in our 17 years of democracy is very weak and we all South African and the government we need to open up a debated as to how issue of this nature are going to be dealt with by the nation.Incidents that have occured in this country since 1994 leave much to be desired. Just think for example if somebody can build a 16milllion house while there is people who sleep in the street, there is people who sleep without food , that is smack in the face of poor (working families )of this country.Something must be done by government and one wonders what is the international world is going to say in relation to the new revealations by the media.

The world and Democracy

I always wonder why for example the world embrace democracy while at the sametime the system is so weak that politicians do whatever it pleases them. Democracy for me is the biggest form of dictatorship.Look at how it open opportunities for corruption , and other forms of pocketing taxpayers.In countries where dictators rule its very rare to get people who work for governmnt stealing public funds becuase they know that they will be punished dear by the dictators and even when they get into prison , they are not going to rest , coprporal punishement will applied harshly with them.If democracy is about making the life of politicians luxurious at the expense of those who pay taxes , for me I rather be ruled by a dictators, some body who wont take nonsesnese and for those who find themselves at the wrong side of the law , harsh punishment must be imposed on them for their actions

Corporal Punishment

I have seen recently on Television a teacher who punished a child for stealing , that has declared war with that child and I wondered whether he would the samething if it was his own child , he was killing her. The poor child had stolen something , all children are naught by the way and when I looked at the age group of the teacher , he was a matured man. He should have beeen  aware at that age that children do stupid things , and one must not declared war with them instead one must just guide them becuase if they are to practice that  in thieir life , they may one day end up in jail.The behaviour of that teacher also reminded me about a documentary that I one day saw on TV which stated that there is a lot of people who entered jail for minor crimes, such as  stealing a loaf of bread .The system in jail is not about behavioural change in the form teaching inmates , it is  about corporal punishment which instead did not change their behoiur instead it groomed  young people to be the biggest jail birds and what was demostrated by that teachers was just grooming that child to be a criminal. The punishement that must be given to him is that, he must never practice his profession as a teachers, criminal charges by the parents must be laid against him.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Abuse of power

Those who are in position of authority can abuse the power that is vested on them.You know one can not understand how goog  are they in creating a story against those they see as their rivals.I have seen this so many times in my forty years of age .The only thing that I question is why the people can not be able to understand that conspiracies are what characterised our human existances.People are doing it knowing fully well that it is  are unethical .If one want to know a good person when it comes to conspiaracies  and abuse of authority one must go our neighbour  in Zimbabwe , there they shout up the mouth of their enemies in the form of conspiracy and one end up in jail, media freedom being suppress and the country becomes a one party state.The power in which his people have vested on him in running the country , it is being used against them.He is busy preparing for new elections and he still continue to abuse his people , what is the world doing about it nothing while the people of Zimbabwe are suffering and some instances they find themselves to be the victims of Xenophobic attacks in South Africa.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Try a cliche

We all want to impress in one way or another , but using the same way to express some get into boredom and it very important to be creative at all times in order to create an environment of interest to our readers. Public Relations practitioners must ensure that , must at all times search for those floating ideas which have been out without anyone taking cognisance of them.There is a lot of ideas which we can use to improve our communication , keep up with trends , in terms of research, interviews etc all those can help in terms of adding value in our communication and craete a favourable image for our organisation.To create a favourable image is about reputation, brand management communication and if such things are not considered in terms of alligning our communication strategy we will be failing as Public Reations Practitioners in trying a cliche

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It is better to practice a little than talk a lot

Monday, May 9, 2011

Human being are catergorised as mamals and the only difference to other mamals is the fact that we can talk, we can also make sound. To some that makes them super than any other species on earth. Like any other mamals , human being also have to perform certain things for their survival.Some believe that due to the fact that they can talk , that simply makes everything possible for them and they rely heavely on talking and talking more than understanding that actions speaks louder than words.South Africa is one of those countries in the world where people believe in in the virse verssa of they saying that action speaks louders than words.In South Africa people belive that words speak louder than action.Take for exmple the issue of addressing the imbalances of our past, when one go and speak to the people on the ground about those issues that affect their lives, one notices that , they are very painfull and when speaking to those who are in power they will explain what they have put in papers to address the plight of these people. When one go down again on the ground to see whether he implementation of such policies has yielded any results to address the plight of the people , one notices nothing has been done and fifteen years down the line since 1994 ther is no change in the lives of the people.South Africans including politicians must understand that it is better to practice a little than talk a lot while people are suffering

Monday, May 9, 2011

Feeling follow behaviour

In South Africa you will find a lot of people protesting in the street for service delivery and these are people who have been waiting patiently for seventeen years.They have been feeling the pain such that they couldn't handle it anymore. They have been discussing their plight in some corners for a long time ,some time attempt to engage government and then eventually decided to embark on a protest. If people feel that they are marginalised and no one cares listen to them , one will notice that a feeling will be portrayed by their behaviour. It is like when they are happy about something , that will also be portayed by their behaviour where they will show enthusiasim when such matter that make them happy is brought to their attention or discussed. So just a word of advise with regards to those who would want to hold public servant post gaurd against your reputation with the constituence you serve , becuase if you don't gauard aginst that it will be shown through a feeling that will follow behaviour. One will be chased away by the very same people who voted for him or her in the office

It is better to practice a little than talk a lot

Human being are catergorised as mamals and the only difference to other mamals is the fact that we can talk, we can also make sound. To some that makes them super than any other species on earth. Like any other mamals , human being also have to perform certain things for their survival.Some believe that due to the fact that they can talk , that simply makes everything possible for them and they rely heavely on talking and talking more than understanding that actions speaks louder than words.South Africa is one of those countries in the world where people believe in in the virse verssa of they saying that action speaks louders than words.In South Africa people belive that words speak louder than action.Take for exmple the issue of addressing the imbalances of our past, when one go and speak to the people on the ground about those issues that affect their lives, one notices that , they are very painfull and when speaking to those who are in power they will explain what they have put in papers to address the plight of these people. When one go down again on the ground to see whether he implementation of such policies has yielded any results to address the plight of the people , one notices nothing has been done and fifteen years down the line since 1994 ther is no change in the lives of the people.South Africans including politicians must understand that it is better to practice a little than talk a lot while people are suffering

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wedding Cake in the middle of the road

In life we all work hard to earn anything.It can your reputation, respect, education etc.Whatever we have worked hard to achieve we must look after it and in real life its always the opposite.Whatever we have in life takes years build , but some people can destroy it within a short space of time.It is important to teach our children to value whatever they have . You will find young people destroying their future without realising how many years it took their parent to make them  human beings under sometimes difficult circumstance and the way they destroy their lives with grugs its like taking something which has been nurture for years , just throw it  like a wedding cake in the middle of the road. People study for years to achieve  education , people build their marriages, but to destroy it takes few hours

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself

There is a lot of people who can lie to their teeth, some people can take it as far convincing themselves that they are not lying , while they fully know that they are lying to themselves.CPUT has a policy that say student must not plagiarize in doing their studies , but you will find student who would copy their friends work and pretend to their lecturers as if its their own work. They are aware they shouldn't be doing that but they do it.  When they complete their studies and get employement with good results, they can't do the work." It is a poor idea to lie to yourself". There is even those who are holding high position in government, who are trusted by the whole nation, but the very same people can take the almost fifty million inhabitants/citizens for a ride by lying to them. It is also important to know that people can lie to themselves, but at the end of the day, that will catch up with them for example the unrest in the African Arab states, those leaders who are now experiencing unrest in their countries we lying to themselves, because propagandas are about lying to yourself knowing fully well that something is not right, but continue to portray yourself as if it is right. Corruption is also lying to yourself or pretending as if you are genuine, knowing you are not.  

Monday, April 18, 2011

The sound of one hand clapping

My comprehension of this statement is that, as we live our lives and do all sort of things not like studying for example. There is a tendency for the world not to praise/appreciate our endeavors to succeed. There is nothing wrong with such things happening in our live and natural that those things should happen to us. So as we walk through this journey while our actions to some are an irritation and that sometimes can render us to dispare and not continue with what we have set ourselves to achieve. It is important in life to look or associate ourselves with that sound that is not heard. The sound of one hand clapping can’t make any noise, but when one tries to listen to it carefully it does make a sound and it does make an impact and most of us expect it only make a loud noise. It is very important to look for that hand that seeks to encourage us to more in our endeavor in this world. That hand some times for those who believe in Christianity as it is said we try all sorts of things which do not bear any fruit, but God is able, provided that we believe. God can be that one hand clapping.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Not all who wander are lost

This statement always refers to stereotypes and blanketing people whether it beliefs or any other form of stereotype including discrimination. We as people always associate certain behaviors with certain people and it’s wrong to just give blanket to whoever we come across because a certain individual behave a certain way or we were told that, a group of people have the following types of behaviors.
In fact this some time comes from our backgrounds for example apartheid in South Africa; you can just assume that all white people in South Africa supported apartheid that is just presumption. It boils down to what Martin Luther Junior said that, I have a dream that my four children will leave in nation that will not be judged with the colour of their skin, but with the content of their characters. To judge people in their action is a big danger which can result not really understanding what they are because it’s not scientifically tested finding and we all need to  careful of labeling anyone who wanders as lost
Although we accept human biasness , it is important to have a tested balance of our assumption, in other words such assumption must be followed by evidence to prove it.

Friday, April 8, 2011

About Me

My name is Siphiwo Freddie; I am employed by the City of Cape Town Municipality as a Professional Officer Public Participation Unit .At present I am a Public Relations Management student doing a BTech Degree at CPUT. I have been studying at CPUT since 2007 and then completed my National Diploma in 2009. I grew up in the Eastern, but now I live in Cape Town. I am married with two children, a boy who is ten years old and a girl of five. I am a person who is passionate about life and whatever challenge I come across in life I challenge it head-on, and the fact I challenge any barriers head on  that come my way , does not make a winner at all times. Sometimes I loose completely but loosing does not dampen my spirit in achieving or in my endeavors for success in life.
I believe that we all created in Gods image, and we all destined to succeed, it’s just that sometimes it becomes difficult for us as people to realize what we are good at  or where our success is.Some people die even without realising what they are good at, some realized it at an old age ,but still make it. The pains and the difficulties that we endure for our success sometimes it not a benefit to us, but for generations to come.
I would like to be seen by the public firstly as a professional, independent thinker, a man of good morals, but at the same time people must also acknowledge that I am also a human being, in other words I can also make mistakes.
Marketing of my Blog
I have made contacts of my friends in Facebook, Tweeter, e-mail it to friends
The different blogs that I have looked at in terms of genres, such love, life experience and politics
·       People tell their story
·       Its use a marketing tool
·       Express their feeling
·       Inform of their criteria in choosing the best partne
·       Educate people about love
Life experience
·       Share pain
·       How to deal with difficulties in life
·       Educate as to how to deal with life experiences which are diverse
·       Informing those who still going to through such experiences
·       This is used a platform to justify actions take
·       Campaigns/lobbying
·       To show the good/human side in terms of action
·       Invite the public into a dialogue about a certain
·       Promote participatory democracy in policy/act  shaping

Monday, March 28, 2011

Fish falling from the sky

It very rare in life to get a fish literally falling from the sky , but there are instances where sometime thing happen like a fish falling from the sky in life.Those with religious believe sometimes associted their luck with god.This reminds me when my mother passed way in 1979 of which I did not have anyone to cry to.Things happen like a fish falling from the sky.Rescued from poverty my Reverend Dlamini, I managed to study under operation humger up untill I completed my matric in 1987.I couldn't believe when I made it up to matric due to the  conditions which I grew up ,people out blue used to help me with everything that I required for my studies.
If you belive realy you will get fishes that fall from the sky, but that I happens with those who live their through faith, and developed an attitude of hope and that is what is hope is all about , I wish to appeal to those who are hopeless , who might get access to this blog to consider using it as their tool in the face of life that has a gravitational force and adversity, otherwise you won;t make it in this world

Friday, February 11, 2011


I think attitude sometimes plays an important role in our success. I have been in this world for a long time and I have learnt that ones sucess is dependant on your attitude because sometimes we look around us,sometimes without realising that and ended up having an attitude about people. The things we experienced in life , stories we heard and read about of all these thing makes us to shoot at anyone we come into contact with in this world .

When I was still young I used to think that I am the only person who has problem , only to realise when I attended a course in diversity management, that there are people who have bigger things tell compared to what you have and  you will be shocked to hear and realise that your problems are a minor to theirs. The mistake we that we make is to associate people with our experiences , or stories that we learnt about and that is what leads to developing an attitude.Do you know sometimes bucause of your attitude you can chased away a person who might one day take your life a higher level, due to our attitude we end up loosing a golden opportunity.This life is made up of people who made it a point they network themselves  and to succeed is to follow what public relations is all about of building relationships